Took advantage of some unseasonably warm weather to do some plein air painting today with fellow concept artist
Andrew Bosley. We've both been inspired by the posts of
James Gurney and his ongoing discussions about painting theory. Today we both independently challenged ourselves in using limited palettes of color, in the attempt to better harmonize the overall tone of the painting. I've also been trying to get a bit bolder with the opaque quality of the gouache that I've been using, often falling back to much on the transparencies of watercolor. I was reasonably happy with the results, and certainly enjoyed the break of staring into a computer monitor for an hour.
Very nice.
You are truly a master.
You can go from 3d rendering to comic book art to plein-air painting and make them all look good.
The fact that painting something so awesome is actually a break from working is incredible.
That's the concept that I recently adopted. Drawing was always difficult for me and I quickly gave it up. I am now sketching everyday just for fun.
Thanks for the 2 links. Checked them both out and will be stopping by there again.
Beautiful, Rich.
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