Thursday, March 27, 2008

Cliff and Jane

Recent commission of Cliff and Jane. Always fun to look back on the Doom Patrol days! For those that like to look at the process, here's the three steps it went through...


Old Man Foltz said...

I got to see the inked up version in REAL LIFE! It was awesome! Everyone should be jealous of Rich's skills! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Rich-
That's a cool commish.
Thanks for posting the steps to it also.


Richard said...

Thank you so much for that.
I'm just in the process of putting together an extensive review on the Grant & Case run on Doom Patrol for the fpi blog.
Your image is the perfect end to a review focusing on the love story running through the 6 volumes.

Would it be alright to use it in the review?


Unknown said...


That would be just fine with me. Please send me the link when you've posted it.


ScottDMSImmons said...

This is absolutely awesome! That is one lucky person who bought it! I love seeing your work on Cliff and Jane again. Your work on Doom Patrol was a big influence on me early on, and still remains one of my all-time favorite runs in my comics collection.


Anonymous said...

Love to see my commish up on the blog. I swear I had anime eyes when I opened up the package. Love the other stuff Mr. Case!

Anonymous said...

Awesome to see my commish up on the blog Rich. I swear I had anime eyes for like a week when I opened up the package...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for revisiting the DP; there always was only one writer and one artist to capture the true vibrant essence of such a bunch of mayhem-hunting misfits. Personally, my all-time favorite comic book. Thanks again Mr Case!