These are the last two images I inked of Mike's pencils, done a couple of years back now. The latter one with Supergirl is my favorite of anything I ever inked of his, the one where I most closely got to "nailing" it, at least in my mind.
It had been a few years since I 'd inked some of his work when I worked on these, and it quickly came back as to what a pleasure inking Mike's stuff was. His pencils were so tight and fluid, and had so much character to them. I wish I had copies of the pencils themselves to post alongside the inks.
These were done for our friend Wally who we'd played softball with years ago, and who would still come out to visit us in the waning days of the studio to see what we'd been up to, and to go enjoy some awesome jambal-AYAHHH! with at Tupelo's in Hillsborough. Memories we both shared at Mike's memorial service last Friday.
Speaking of... it was great to see everyone who could make it to the memorial. It seemed to help, getting together to remember Mike, and to share some of the ridiculous and moving stories that we all had of him. My thoughts and prayers continue to turn toward his parents, Matt, Suzanne, and to Todd.
Hi Richard,
Though it was a very sad occasion, I told Suzanne that I thought Mike would like the fact that so many of his friends got together to renew acquaintances and establish new friendships in his name and memory.
It was really nice to see you again after all these years, circumstances notwithstanding. Let's try to stay in touch. You can reach me through my website (richfaber.com).
Rich, it was great seeing you again, even under the circumstances. And like you, the service really did me a lot of good. I'm so glad I fought the couple of momentary impulses I had to not go. In the end, it was so worth it.
I'm always gonna miss my buddy, though.
Cully, you said it... and while I suppose it'll get easier with time, I kind of don't want it to, like it would be unfair to Mike to not feel a twinge when thinking of him not being here with us anymore.
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