I can't even believe I'm typing the above words. Doesn't seem possible that Mike's no longer with us. He was like the art brother I never had, working side by side each other for nearly 10 years, someone who could give me honest feedback, and be so encouraging. There are few people that I've been as close to, that we had our own short-hand language and catch phrases that would start us down a whole line of tangents before bringing a conversation back 'round to what we were talking about in the first place. Few people could make me laugh like Mike could, and I'm sorry that more people couldn't have known that side of him. He was one of the most generous and compassionate souls that I've ever met.
Godspeed, Mites! We'll miss you buddy.
Hugs, Rich. My few months being around you two in some of your happy times are a treasure I'll never forget. You and he really made a positive difference in my life, and I thank you for it. My heart goes out to you,
Hey Rich -
.... we only met once that I recall, you and I, but I knew Mike well, I had literally just talked to him by email on Saturday... I don't know what else to put here. Thanks for being his friend. - mh
I'm stunned, and the tears start falling fresh every time I let myself remember Mike is gone. How long since I've seen you fellows - who used to be part of my life every day.
Erin and I will be at the service on Friday.
You might not remember me--I was one of the friendly hippies behind the counter at Lu-E-G's in Hillsborough--but I spent time hanging out with y'all at the Artamus studio. You and Mike were always great to me. . . I've been keeping up with him through his blog-- And now I'm stunned and angry and just so, so very sad. He was such a loving, giving guy. I'm sorry for your loss of such a great friend.
James Engelhardt
Hi Rich,
Remember me? I've been so shocked and so saddened since I was emailed on Monday about Mike. I am still having a hard time believing it. Mike was a wonderful person and it seems hard to believe that this has happened. I can only imagine how his family and the all the Artamus guys are feeling right now.
Big hugs to all of you!
Take care,
Hi Rich,
Remember me? I've been shocked and saddened since Monday when I was emailed the news and just now have been able to say something regarding Mike. I can only imagine how you and the other Artamus studio friends are feeling. This is a terrible loss. Mike was a wonderful person.
Big hugs to you and everyone,
Mickey, James and Erin-
Thanks so much for writing. Some of my favorite memories of Mike were from our times hanging out with y'all at Lu-E-G's, having a tuna melt, and coming back down for another fresh cup of Jav-ahh. Good times. Still remember the picture someone took of Mike, Chuck and I wearing ties on our head that was on display there for what seemed like forever. I'll see you Friday.
Was great to read what you wrote on Mike's site about your time working with us. There were times we were having so much fun teasing you that it was easy to forget we were working too. You were a good sport, putting up with our shenanigans. Do you still have some of the animal drawings he did for you? I'd love to see them again.
Matt- glad to hear you guys became such good friends. He was one in a million. I was planning on writing him Monday morning once I got to work when I got the word. Still can't get over it...
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