Saturday, November 16, 2013

Auctioning painting to help fellow artist injured in hit and run.

Madame Dragon- Acrylic on Canvas, 9 x 12"

I've posted this painting on ebay, as a fundraiser for a fellow artist who lost her leg in a hit and run accident.

All proceeds from this sale go to help Ana Kessel, a local artist who recently interned at nearby Insomniac Games, who was the victim of a hit and run accident that left her without a leg.  As an intern, she had no insurance, nor did the driver who was caught.  While I've never met Ana, I felt her story compelling. It's tough enough trying to establish a career in the gaming industry, without the hardship of losing a limb.  More on her story here-

The auction itself can be found here-

Please help if you are compelled and able.